
The #1 management solution for Vending.

Get to know the companies that use Luope to optimize their day-to-day operations.

Permanent stocks, everywhere.

All the control of your company’s product cycle. Make sure that your products are always available.

Vending Machines

We select and prioritize the points of sale to be visited, based on the opportunity cost of not visiting them, and the restrictions that require it.


We generate the optimal combination of routes, based on the company's needs and available resources.


We automatically improve the average visit period in order to find the ideal balance.

Reduce perishable product breaks up to 90%.

Managing fresh products in an intelligent way with Luope. Decrease product breakdown by placing the ideal amount of products in the machines, with automatic promotions in the last days of validity, or even with withdrawal/placement of products in machines with more turnover.

The ideal quantity of products in your equipment.

Ensure the optimal products supply to your machines: Luope foresees the supply needs. Understand your sales cycles and increase the average visiting periods of your machines.

Control up to the by-products.

Ensure real-time control of all your company’s products. You can even control the use of by-products in compound products, such as cups and pallets in coffee machines.

Optimized layouts, better offers, more sales.

Select the best product combination to be available in your equipment, improve the quality of your offer and increase your sales.

Identify deviations and take corrective action.

Automatically detect deviations, identify its cause, and take corrective action.

Validity management, simplified.

Ensure your compliance with all food safety regulations. With Luope, you can control the entire product cycle and you can choose to automatically block a selection when a product expires.

Contact us.

Luope focuses on the development of intelligent management solutions for unattended markets. We are committed to creating a dynamic, transparent and intelligent.