
The #1 management solution for Vending.

Get to know the companies that use Luope to optimize their day-to-day operations. 

Visit the points of sale only when necessary.

Increase your company’s performance with intelligent operations and dynamic routes.

1. Identification

We select and prioritize the points of sale to be visited based on the cost of opportunity of not visiting them and the restrictions that require their mandatory visit.

2. Route Creation

We generate the optimal combination of routes, based on the company's needs and available resources.

3. Optimization

We automatically improve the average visit period in order to find the optimal balance.

Increase the average time between visits up to 3x.

Avoid unnecessary visits to your vending machines and increase the average visit period up to 3x. Reduce costs and increase your productivity.

Decrease the time and distance on the road.

Ensure that your operations run on the path that gives you the best operating result. 

Dynamic routes, optimized operations .

Increase your sales, decrease travel costs and increase the average time between visits. Ensure the efficient allocation of your company’s resources and products on your machines.

Contact us.

Luope focuses on the development of intelligent management solutions for unattended equipment. We are committed to creating a dynamic, transparent and intelligent future.