
The #1 management solution for Vending.

Your orders are delivered by our Buyon partners.

The optimal number of products in your machines.

More than just telemetry, Luope is an intelligent management solution for unattended markets.

The importance of history

We analyze the entire sales history, by homologous periods, customer type and equipment.

External factors

Our algorithms take into account several external factors, such as the temperature forecast for the next few days.

Consumption variance

We measure and evaluate the variance of global consumption to make our models adapt even for unpredictable "times".

Continuous optimization

We are continuously improving our models and algorithms to increase the reliability of the forecasts.

Consumption forecasting

Our algorithms and models efficiently predict the number of products to be sold in the coming days.

Higher intelligence every passing day

The more information, the smarter the forecasting model for your company becomes.

Turnover at the core of layout selection.

Analyze the turnover of each of the selections, use the optimal product layout on the machine, and immediately increase your results. Compare the performance between machines, customer types, and points of sale and improve even more.

Reduce product losses, ensure the optimal supply.

New means of purchase and payment for unattended equipment. Learn more about mobile payments and payment terminals.

Up to 60% less time spent in the procurement process.

Choose the models that best suit your operation. Prepare the load in the warehouse divided by machine (Differentiated estimated loads) or load for the entire operation and select the products expected at the point of sale.

Dynamic operations, ideal quantity and average visit period.

Increase the average visit period with dynamic operations (Dynamic Routes), ensuring that visit commitments and perishable product management are always met. The ideal amount of products will vary to allow the optimal performance of your machines.

Permanent and real-time stocks.

Make sure everything remains controlled and up to date. Luope allows you to have automated real-time stock management on the machines. Identify deviations and process errors.

Contact us.

Luope focuses on the development of intelligent management solutions for unattended markets. We are committed to creating a dynamic, transparent and intelligent future.