Dynamic Technical

The #1 technical team management solution for underserved markets.

Join the companies that use Luope on a daily basis.

Ensure the correct functioning of your equipment.

Telemetry and operational management interconnected for rapid detection and response by technical assistance teams.

Luope Smartbox

Intelligent and connected machines, with native integration in the operational management system.

Luope On-The-Go

All the necessary information in your technicians' hands.

Luope Platform

The technical operation is remotely managed, monitored, and controlled.

Decrease the downtime of your machines up to 71%.

Improve the process of technical assistance management with the Luope ecosystem. Increase machine availability, define preventive and corrective maintenance processes, act quickly and effectively.

Up to 83% less time to identify problems.

Remotely identify malfunctions on your machines. Create alerts and automate the problem identification process.

Reply in half the time.

Increase response speed with the integration of telemetry systems and operational activity. Improve even more with Dynamic Technical Assistance.

1. Automatic Identification

Luope allows you to identify, according to the kind of problem, the nearest technician and/or supplier.

2. Incidence Creation

Luope automatically creates the incidence activity for the Technician in On-the-Go.

3. Resolution and Report

You can track the status of the incidence on the platform, and also view the incidence report.

Contact us.

Luope focuses on the development of intelligent management solutions for unattended equipment. We are committed to creating a dynamic, transparent, and intelligent future.